**I’m writing this Sunday morning of Bay Hill**
After watching a couple hours of golf each of the last few weeks, including a wacky Saturday at Bay Hill, I’ve decided there are only 4 stories that matter heading into Augusta. Those stories aren’t changing for me, no matter what happens at Bay Hill this afternoon, or next week at the PLAYERS.

Spieth - He’s in contention every week, on courses where you shouldn’t be able to break 80 driving it bad, much less contend. Bay Hill is the second to last course on Tour I’d want to play if I was fighting the driver (Honda is #1 - obv) and yet he’s right in the mix. It’s awesome.
He has that glimmer in his eye on the greens again, which makes him the guy to watch at Augusta where he doesn’t have to stripe the driver, and came a couple shots from winning 3 green jackets in a row. Get your popcorn ready folks.
DJ - Does the best player in the world backup his November Masters win with another in April? A US Open at Oakmont, and back-to-back Masters? Where does that leave DJ? Especially if he wins in true-DJ style - strutting around Augusta making golf look easier than it has ever looked for anyone.
Rory - The presumptive best player of his generation, Rory has DJ and Brooks nipping at his heels for that moniker, but a win at Augusta and the career slam puts him back on top by a margin. A couple hundred mil in the bank (his words, not mine…) and the contentedness that comes with a baby girl at home seem to give Rory a full life that anyone would envy. But. Maybe something he reads or hears that week pisses him off or gives him the edge he needs to go out and crush people’s souls like I think he’s still capable of doing. Rory by 6 if that happens.
Bryson - It was cool and soft in November, and he made a bunch of 6’s. But if it’s 80* and running in April, do we see Bryson hitting wedges into 2, 13, and 15 and adding a jacket to his US Open trophy? With Bryson it’s not so much if he wins (he could have won 40 lbs ago) it’s how he’ll win. Was the 6th tee at Bay Hill the moment golf became the WWE x Home Run Derby? Will this be the week the green jackets of Augusta and the blue jackets of the USGA are stealing sideways glances as Bryson romps over the field and the souls of golf purists all across the world? Maybe? Maybe not…
Ps. Cantlay is 25-1 and Hovland is 40-1. You're welcome.
